The other 40% of the time...

Here is the moment Coombes went down for the 3rd consecutive time in RPS history. Studies have shown that Rock is the best option (Bellini 2006) accounting for 60% of victories. In this series however, in the two previous rounds both players had presented Rocks, thus resulting in stalemates. Thus according to the RPS Bellini Theory (2006), once all hands have been played it comes down to not who is the smartest, but who is the laziest player. Lazy not in the usual everyday terms, but 'lazy' in terms of the neural pathways of the medula oblongata. In this particular case, Bellini's theory was proven correct once again. Both players had used Rocks in the previous hands, both cancelling each other out. But in neurolistically speaking terms, one of the players would have 'tired' from using the Rock too many times. Hence Coombes pulled the Paper and Juls the Scissors and the lazier option of the Paper lost. The results are inconclusive....
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