Sunday, January 28, 2007

For the record...

Before you get any ideas Coombes, as records of the internet for all of history, past, present and future shall show, this posting was made on the 28th January 2007. From here on in, it has been proved that I, one Julian Chong was the proud owner of a Rocky shirt. Any attempts to divert the course of justice have thus been thwarted.

If you ever read this Benny Fleay, I can't believe you bought that Foo Fighters shirt after Coombes already bought it, then tried to pass it off as your original purchase idea. The lowest of all lows. The people of Perth shall never forget...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Prodigal son returns..

Shit, I haven't blogged for over a month. The only reason for my return was on the belief that there are a select few who actually read this. In fact, I remember two exact moments in time when I was explicitly asked to continue with my writings. Well, I've started my Masters. I now know what the customer wants and why IKEA is so successful in what it does. The place is an Operations Management and Marketing dreamworld. It is a textbook in itself. Nobody goes to IKEA without returning with something they don't need. Nobody goes to IKEA and spends only 20 mins there.

I'm also considering giving Benny Fleay some money to 'gamble' on the stock market. Being with him enough times in the Cas however is making me think twice. I don't see why this situation is any different.

I'm also off to see the Doctor on Monday. After consulting Doctor Google I have been diagnosed with a herniated disc or 'sciatica'. It means I can't run. So now I feel fat. Excuse me whilst I go throw up the apple I had for dinner...