Saturday, January 22, 2011

Last 2 years in a paragraph

Shit, almost 2 years since I wrote anything on this. With the little one now on the way, I think I'll make an effort or at least to more now so there's stuff on record. Well we left London in Oct 2009 and went traveling for 3 months through India, China, Nepal and then Laos. Myself and Char walked into Subi last night and reminisced about the fun (and nightmares) we had. Had such a bad toothache when I was in India I was up at night moaning in agony. China was a real let down, Nepal was amazing and Laos was perfect for the end. Great weather, we did nothing, and met a nice young couple Max and Kasey.

Got back to Perth for Xmas 2009, and shit, now its January 2011. We've both been in good jobs since April 2010, and when I got back from training school in the US, Char sat me down and told me she was pregnant. Well, she actually sat me down in the park, and pulled out the test thing you p^$$ on and showed me. We were both in a bit of shock I guess. Although planned, all I can say is that it was a rash decision to decide that it was time to start a family?!

All we can recall is being very anti kids, and then one night sitting in a restaurant and going home and thinking, fuck it, let's do it before we get too old. First month nothing, so we thought, ok this might take some time, then BAM!

Well its now only 2 months till Char drops and we still haven't decided on names. In the running are Zen, Hendrix, Khalil and probably some others I forget about. I liked MacKenzie, but Char didnt. She likes Will, Ben, Malakai, Noah, Jebediah, and probably a hell of a lot more.

We've also only just the other day had our offer accepted for our first property in Inglewood. We're both so excited and now just have our fingers crossed that we get finance. Shouldn't be a problem really. We have the savings and income...

Enough for now... Next post, baby will be 2 years old.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Avoid flying with Ryanair at ALL COSTS

Yesterday morning I had the shittest morning. Had been looking forward to spending a nice weekend in Ireland at Pat and Nicola's charity event. Go all the way through security and to the gate where I'm told that as I have not had my online boarding pass stamped at the Ryanair check in desk, I will not be allowed to fly. Run back to a service desk (employed by Ryanair to handle these affairs) to which Im told Ryanair will not let them have a stamp so they're not able to do the stamp for me quickly so I can make the flight.

I miss the flight, Charlotte gets on and I say I'll meet her at Dublin on another flight. Get my passport checked, then get taken to the Ryanair desk and they want to charge a minimum of £200 to buy a new ticket for the same day.

Its absolutely ridiculous. They have empty seats and try and force people to fork out huge sums of money. I swear to god I will never even bother looking on a Ryanair website for cheap seats ever again. Its simply not worth it. I am sick of all the crap I have had to deal with flying with them. I urge anyone who has the choice, to never fly with them again either.

Agreed their flights can be cheap, but the way they make extra revenue by catching people out with hidden charges, extra charges for things that are normally free is disgusting. NEVER FLY WITH RYANAIR

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Have spent the last 3 and a bit days with Ben, Claire, Everett, Deanna and Rukshan (sp?) in Amsterdam. Had a great time. Miss everyone already. Sat in the plane for over an hour waiting for its slot to take off though on the way back.

Had a really nice apartment. Was nice to have our own space we could chill in. Ate a lot, walked a lot and laughed a lot. Will remember the trip for a long time...

Monday, May 18, 2009

For my own amusement

Wow - over a year since I've written anything. I've decided to take it up again, not cos I want to share my views, thoughts, opinions with anyone, but cos I've come to the realisation that I'm getting older. Time waits for no one, and one day I might forget everything I've ever done. So from now on, this shall serve as a record of my life. Right now I should be editing my proposal for the Social Media dissertation I am about to embark on for my MBA, but instead blogging has aided the procrastination process.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Last hurrah..

Well Goat has left the city of London. Was surprisingly sad when he left. But oh well, a new era beckons. To toast his departure Club Juls held another event with guests from Ireland. A keeper for sure this photo. Good mates = good times (cue the tears).

Sunday, January 28, 2007

For the record...

Before you get any ideas Coombes, as records of the internet for all of history, past, present and future shall show, this posting was made on the 28th January 2007. From here on in, it has been proved that I, one Julian Chong was the proud owner of a Rocky shirt. Any attempts to divert the course of justice have thus been thwarted.

If you ever read this Benny Fleay, I can't believe you bought that Foo Fighters shirt after Coombes already bought it, then tried to pass it off as your original purchase idea. The lowest of all lows. The people of Perth shall never forget...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Prodigal son returns..

Shit, I haven't blogged for over a month. The only reason for my return was on the belief that there are a select few who actually read this. In fact, I remember two exact moments in time when I was explicitly asked to continue with my writings. Well, I've started my Masters. I now know what the customer wants and why IKEA is so successful in what it does. The place is an Operations Management and Marketing dreamworld. It is a textbook in itself. Nobody goes to IKEA without returning with something they don't need. Nobody goes to IKEA and spends only 20 mins there.

I'm also considering giving Benny Fleay some money to 'gamble' on the stock market. Being with him enough times in the Cas however is making me think twice. I don't see why this situation is any different.

I'm also off to see the Doctor on Monday. After consulting Doctor Google I have been diagnosed with a herniated disc or 'sciatica'. It means I can't run. So now I feel fat. Excuse me whilst I go throw up the apple I had for dinner...